I have moved to the backwaters of Goa. I was staying on a spice plantation in modest accommodation. I loved the frogs in the natural pond the most. Usually I am repulsed by slimy creatures (slugs and snails mostly) but I loved the noises they make. They have a nature trail around the plantation that I have used as an early morning run. On my last day I took a video in a circle. I wanted to speed up at the end so that it would be like a spiral but then I would have fallen off the boulder I was standing on!
Chintamani Al Chemistry

I have tried to curtail my spend whilst in India. I have bought far too much stuff out from the UK and already shipped back two boxes of 25 Kg each and plan to send another soon. But this shop (Chintamani Al Chemistry https://www.etsy.com/shop/chintamanialchemi/) in Mandrem was so beautifully designed and no one was hassling you to buy anything which made shopping there a very pleasant experience.

I would have bought the whole shop but it wasn’t cheap, so I decided on a dress, a shawl/coat/wrap, fabric boots and a bag. Yes, this was rather over the top but I have already worn it loads and will do so in the UK. I love wearing boots and the leather ones I have here from fly London are too heavy to be honest. They are purple though! I bought them before the current obsession started.

When I was paying, the shop assistant gave me some stickers from the shop and I used these in two montages. Seemed like a good plan early one morning at Vivenda dos Palhaços when I was in full sticking and pasting mode. I went a bit mad the next morning and photographed and videoed them in the pool on metal trays used to deliver food and drink!
Rory the Kitten with Purple
Arriving at Casa Susegad was for sure enhanced by having a kitten there.

He was full steam ahead up to all the antics of confident kittens. I am not sure he helped much with Harry’s maths but he did like to play with the purple ball I made him and the purple toy car.

Amy Russell was responsible for him and he loved her unconditionally. Sometimes I would hold him whilst she would escape to her room to have some Rory free time. As Casa Susegad is mostly blues and purples wherever Rory went it fitted my colour theme.

Interesting all the houses in Goa are very different to the rest of India. They are clearly designed using the original Portuguese architecture. Interestingly I thought they were always painted bright colours but this actually isn’t the case but a recent change now that people can afford luscious paint colours now and because of the climate need to repaint very often. It does mean there are a great deal of purple properties.

Mostly Purple Stuff with Betsy

Betsy and I did a couple of touring days out. Firstly, we went to Old Goa and the surrounds. We arrived at Bom Jesus Church where the remains of Saint Francis Xavier were interred. She had studied about him in her A-level Theology class and was keen to go. I asked her to take photos of me outside by the purple door and there was a rather scary sculpture of Jesus looking rather bloody. She also made me stand by the ‘relics only’ sign. I played along although she perceives me as old and done, with I certainly don’t! We then went to a spice plantation and the Olaulim backwaters to kayak.

Then we went on another trip to the Anjuna Wednesday flea market. Betsy had a necklace with her name made and bought a bag that looked like it came from Victoria Secrets. This was for laundry at Leeds Uni.

One afternoon we did purple face masks – actually only the packaging was purple and the masks were white. And then I found a load of selfies that Betsy had taken on my camera. I don’t even know how to do them! I hope she approves of the ones I have uploaded here. If she doesn’t then that is a usual mother/daughter disagreement situation. Hey ho……

China and Cushions
Apart from the purple I am not sure these really are an essential part of any project here! However, I liked the china they were using at Devpur so I photographed it.

The cushions (purple!) were stacked overnight so they didn’t get wet in the covered banquets and they made for a fun early morning photography venture in Mandrem before anyone was up – well apart from me!


This is actually pronounced aum with two vowels and a consonant at the end. This was something that Anika taught us at the early morning Kitty Masala yoga class in Mandrem, Goa. Om signifies the essence of the ultimate reality and is integral to both Yoga and Hinduism.

Om’, ‘Ohm’ or ‘Aum’ is a sacred sound that is known generally as the sound of the universe. Om is all encompassing, the essence of ultimate reality, and unifies everything in the universe.

I found two packets of eight stickers at one of the many stationary shops I managed to find in Goa. Luckily this added up to my theme of lower prime numbers (except I now know 1 is not a prime – thanks Harry but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr). So, I did four montages with my foil and tapes. It does seem significant that 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16.

I like what Om signifies……. It can refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge). It is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in Hindu texts such as the Vedas.