I have been making beaded jewellery for many years. Here are pieces I have made.

Teaching Jewellery Making
Chain earrings to join two piercings together
I ran a workshop for Abby (19) and her mother Natalie (mid 50s) who had inspired me to get a second piercing for my ears. I thought it would be fun to make chains that connected the 2 earrings. Abby used hoops and Natalie studs. Mine didn’t work as looped chains as one of the chains (the braided one) didn’t hang correctly. No matter – I just made a simple hanging stud earrings (spot the difference!)

Actually I really don’t like fiddling around with studs so I changed them to hoops!

I wanted to make some rainbow earrings for the most accepting of LGBT cities – Tel Aviv. I measured 7 equal lengths of small pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple chains and had the fiddly task of popping them into the ends – a type of ball crimp. Then I had to thread them onto a single ring and onto the earrings. At one end the purple was long and the pink short and vice versa for the other earring. Hey presto!

A pearl and turquoise necklace
Tracey was keen to make a necklace and she came over and chose beads from my collection. She used a strong black polyester thread that I tied into 6 alternating direction half-hitch knots at the end. It was large enough to fit over her head and wonderful hair. She chose only pearls and turquoise beads.