Lucy told me about a 10 shekel (£2)workshop over Succoth (harvest festival in October) in one of the container houses in the Jaffa port area. It was held in an indoor sukkah next to my very favourite cafe (Cafe Blue). I think it was for children but never mind. You use 3 D printed plastic peel cutters, thread through smaller pieces and join larger pieces a bit like a jigsaw. I loved the recycling nature and once home made one from a lime, one from a lemon and then another 11 from oranges. To the point that I had to juice them to enable me to have enough peel to play with! I bought one 3 D printed plastic cutter and then found small ones in my fimo bead making box and bought some more larger ones at Tiger in the Dizengoff centre. You can dry them under books but now the weather is cooler that takes an age, so I put them under a load of heavy plates and dried them in the oven set at a low temperature. Talulah found this stick on which I hung alternating brass and chrome hooks.