During my sabbatical in India, I attempted and completed a lot of purple, spiral and prime number crafts. Most I had done before to some extent. But one which was new was learning to make dreamcatchers. The shape and the significance of them has really spoken to me. Since then I have made a number …
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12 So here are a list of dates Carly went on in 2020.
First up was a facetime call with an American Paediatrician but it was really clear during the whole of this time he was just clearing up his inbox and sending out emails. Or maybe he was shopping online? And more importantly, he was not paying Carly the attention she felt she deserved and certainly craved. …
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11 Carly goes to Brighton
Carly really enjoys going to Brighton. A fun, sassy and exciting place and she has been there many times over the years. But recently she has been going there a lot to stay in Dom and Nic’s flat on top of a hotel overlooking the sea. It is a really magical place to sit and do …
10 Carly gives special consideration to email etiquette.
10 Carly gives special consideration to email etiquette. Carly spends a lot of time replying to emails. She also thinks about them a lot. There are a number of things that irritate her about them. She deliberately uses her time cycling to sort out email replies in her head. She thinks it is dangerous to …
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9 On becoming Carly
Carly never got a nickname from her parents. Only her sister has a nickname. And Carly gave that to her when she was two from a nursery rhyme. The one where Polly puts the kettle on and Sukey takes it off again. Her sister’s full name is Susanne, but she’s always been known as Sukey. …
8 Carly dabbles in property
It has been drummed into Carly for as long as she can remember that it is very important to get onto the property ladder. She supposes she could have saved more money by living at home with her parents whilst studying but she values her independence enormously. Anyway, this is another one of her parent’s …
7 Carly does grief
Carly has done an online course about the five stages of grief; anger, denial, bargaining, sadness and acceptance. Carly is very worried about being angry. Carly has been worried about that for years. So instead, she is miserable. Really miserable. Crying all the time. Her face is puffy like a puffer fish. She tries specially …
6 Carly adores cats
Carly really adores cats. The question is do they adore her? Or admire her. Of course not. Dogs always adore their owners. Cats clearly don’t. Cats come and go as they please. They seem to change owners at the drop of a hat. Actually, very often they have several owners on the go at any …
5 Carly worships coffee
Carly loves coffee. She adores it. I mean she is obsessed with it. When someone tells her, she must be understanding to smokers as they are addicted, she doesn’t really get it. They ask her, if she, Carly, could give up coffee? She contemplates this. She is silent for a while. This is very unusual. …
4 Carly’s relationship with plants
Carly has a rather tumultuous relationship with plants. Well, maybe, ambiguous is a better way to describe this. In recent years, she has been more taken with the putative positive effects of growing plants. She has a number of friends who have allotments, but this level of commitment seems over the top to Carly. She …