Of course, like everything, there are lots of reasons, Carly muses. It is warm and different from home and not too far. The light of the Mediterranean is magical. When Carly thinks of Greece, she always thinks of this colour combination. Fuchsia pink (of the bougainvillea) Bottle green (of the fir trees) Bright white (of …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
23 Carly has a love/hate relationship with jogging
Like many things in life, jogging is probably good for Carly. Her knees are up for it. She has the right sports bra, and some patched up, sort-of-ok trainers. But she can’t really say she actually enjoys jogging. All that talk about the endorphin rush at the end. No. Carly doesn’t experience that. Maybe because she …
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22 Carly does Freedom
Carly was not good at being a slave. Being told what to do was something she had always struggled with. Carly didn’t see the point in making bricks which were all the same shape and colour. Carly asked Pharoah if she could make purple bricks instead; he said no. Carly asked Pharoah if she could …
Barbie goes to Thessaloniki in a furry coat
It started as a bit of a joke. My neighbours wondered if my obsession with barbies was kinky or weird. I said both. And on my way to Thessaloniki I was in a newsagent at Savidor train station and found a Barbie with a furry (lilac) coat. So I bought her and took her on …
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Dreamcatchers Thessaloniki
Whilst on holiday in Thessaloniki with my son Tobias, I woke up early every morning and made 17 purple dreamcatchers. I now give them away – I let people chose one they want, so I need to replenish my stocks and here is record of them before they go. I bought some metallic paint, puff …
Green Mussels art project
It is very easy to take these home from a restaurant. They are from New Zealand and supposedly good for arthritis! I cleaned them out and divided them into a left hand pile and a right hand pile. I found this piece of wood on my travels around Jaffa. I filled the left handed shells …
Zip hanging
For a long time, I have been wondering what to do with my collection of zips. I have had them for years and clearly I am unlikely to use them. They are also very long. I asked Benji to lay them out in a suitable colour order. Here it is complete. All of them are …
Raphael’s first English book
I was given some material from a friend of mine Lior. She had come to my craft evenings in Jaffa and was gifted fabric from a friend of hers who used to visit a holocaust survivor who loved textiles. She had recently died and wanted to know if I would like some of the fabric. …
Bedouin Embroidery Hanging
I have had these 5 pieces of Bedouin embroidery since I bought them on my gap year. They are very beautiful and it is time to incorporate them into something so they see the light of day! I found the pompoms in an art shop and the colours matched and my friend Galina suggested displaying …
Red stuff for Ra’anana
I would often stay in my brother and sister in law’s house in Ra’anana. The downstairs bedroom needed a little bit of excitement added to it so I designed a load of wall art, and bought new bedding, as well as crocheting a rug. I also went a bit mad and brought some red Turkish …