When not visiting camels I did this!

I stayed for a week at the Chamel Charishma Lodge https://www.camelcharisma.com/camel-experiences/. It is committed to supporting the welfare of camels as they are dwindling in numbers. They support local herders by buying the camel milk from them at a much higher rate than the government prices (three times). They only milk them once daily and …

Hmmmm – really Spirographs? Is this where creativity should start? Well yes it did for me!

I think I have thought a lot about my design. And there are many conceptual possibilities and limitations. I don’t see this as failings on my part in how to carry them out but rather physical impossibilities such as the materials I don’t have or know how to use. And of course, there is a …

How do you represent How Time goes Faster as you Get Older?

I have thought about this a lot over the past year. Part of coming to India was to see if I could be truly creative. Life at work will only tolerate a certain amount of creativity and then the hammer comes down and ‘Computer Says NO!’ I knew I needed some limits to be creative …

Rituals – well more like ritualistic daily events

I have decided to ground myself by undertaking regular rituals. They aren’t rituals in the true sense and I also think some of the things I think of as rituals are actually ceremonies. There is a useful website (https://www.differencebetween.com/) which helpfully differentiates the two. “A ritual refers to group of actions performed for their symbolic …

Pushkar – camels, horses and sadhus (oh and quite a lot of Israelis)

The camel festival This happens yearly at the beginning of November. The room rents triple and unless you arrive right at the outset all the quality camels have gone. However you can still buy some beautiful stud reared horses. When you arrive at the Mela (the festival marketplace) you can take a ride, Probably the …