Carly really adores cats. The question is do they adore her? Or admire her. Of course not. Dogs always adore their owners. Cats clearly don’t. Cats come and go as they please. They seem to change owners at the drop of a hat. Actually, very often they have several owners on the go at any …
Author Archives: c.fertleman
5 Carly worships coffee
Carly loves coffee. She adores it. I mean she is obsessed with it. When someone tells her, she must be understanding to smokers as they are addicted, she doesn’t really get it. They ask her, if she, Carly, could give up coffee? She contemplates this. She is silent for a while. This is very unusual. …
4 Carly’s relationship with plants
Carly has a rather tumultuous relationship with plants. Well, maybe, ambiguous is a better way to describe this. In recent years, she has been more taken with the putative positive effects of growing plants. She has a number of friends who have allotments, but this level of commitment seems over the top to Carly. She …
3 What Carly does to feel grounded
Carly has a list. She knows there are lots of things out there that she does to feel grounded. They go in phases. A bit like her friendships. Firstly, she had friends from her school and her youth movement, then from university and finally from her work, her local community and knitting. These knitting friends …
2 Carly goes on a course.
Carly goes on a course. Actually, Carly goes on courses all the time. Loads of them. One week in August last year she went on three courses. The first during that week was on cyanotyping. She is very committed to going on courses and this one was in Trowbridge, which is far from home. She …
Carly does Yoga
Carly knows yoga will be helpful for her wellbeing at this moment in time. Everyone knows yoga is helpful when you are going through a difficult period. Yoga teaches you to relax. Carly knows she needs to relax more. She investigates. She thinks a simpler, slower version of yoga is best and an early morning …
Carly Stories
I have just returned from my all time favourite holiday. It was my 8th time and yet again, I worked on and read out some of my stories. I was in Limnisa, Methane, Greece staying with Mariel and Philip. There is always loads of advice and this time I have yielded and listened to Charlotte …
Final Blog – phew I hear you shout! No more purple photos and slightly ridiculous projects. But as it is the very last one it has to go out with a bang and be long! Very, extremely long…….
I really can’t quite believe it. I just looked at my Delhi return flight tickets. I left in October and am returning in March. Hah, that should be six months but it was in fact just four. Halloween to St David’s Day. But what a time. And like all good things, it must come to …
Sneaking in another blog post.
I just went a bit mad with projects these last few days. All this stuff has to be used up or left here. And luckily the ideas kept flowing! When you go mad doing craft stuff all day you end up with lots of bits and pieces. And really I don’t want to return with …
Penultimate Blog….I am pleased to be posting all these last projects.
Large Andeshe Plant Montages Every morning in Andeshe after my yoga (ok very short – 10 minutes using the Yoga Studio App) I ran with Johnny the adolescent dog here. We run up and down the road and return in time for my breakfast of an oat, date and banana dairy smoothie. During the run …
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