Final Blog – phew I hear you shout! No more purple photos and slightly ridiculous projects. But as it is the very last one it has to go out with a bang and be long! Very, extremely long…….

I really can’t quite believe it. I just looked at my Delhi return flight tickets. I left in October and am returning in March. Hah, that should be six months but it was in fact just four. Halloween to St David’s Day. But what a time. And like all good things, it must come to …

Penultimate Blog….I am pleased to be posting all these last projects.

Large Andeshe Plant Montages Every morning in Andeshe after my yoga (ok very short – 10 minutes using the Yoga Studio App) I ran with Johnny the adolescent dog here. We run up and down the road and return in time for my breakfast of an oat, date and banana dairy smoothie. During the run …