Is Carly scary? Well now. That is a question. Clearly not the question. Also, this can hardly be The Question. That is more about the meaning of life and much more existential enquiries. But certainly, being scary, is something to consider. Carly has thought about whether this is a true statement of fact, or …
Author Archives: c.fertleman
Dreamcatchers in Brighton July 2024
I love to make these dreamcatchers and photograph them before I give them away. This time I used buttons from Sarabeth, a rubber of a unicorn in pink that I sliced up, various pens, and paintbrushes using ink and puff paint as well as a box of wooden bugs and flowers that I painted purple. …
Buzzing around The Hove Museum of Creativity
I love this museum. It is such fun and so inspiring. They have this special section to help accommodate those with disabilities. Having fun with the toys! There were a load of rubber families of 6 colours. Firstly they went and stood up in the wooden village. I have this wonderful if rather tatty orange …
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Carlos goes to Padua
Following an adventurous trip with Carlos around Puebla and London, Carlos came with me to a short but wonderful trip with my daughter Betsy to Padua before he returns as Rafi’s pink mascot. And 2 short videos of Carlos enjoying himself.
25 Carly has a situation at work
Carly is a bit ’out there’. She has been a paediatrician for a long time now. She does enjoy working with children, but she finds most babies rather dull. Give her an adolescent any day. At work Carly loves to muck around. She can be idiotic, but not stupid. Sometimes this can be a problem, …
Random Purple Projects
Printing elephants; napkins for Tova, a bolster and a bed cover for the feet. I go to Tova a lot. Like really a lot! And this last time she commissioned a table cloth (plain purple rectangle) and 6 white napkins with a purple elephant or two. Always delighted to have another project I set about …
Imprisoned Ceramic Israels
I went on a course at my sister-in-laws synagogue in Ra’anana to make a ceramic Israel. We had to roll out and decorate the clay using a map. I had time to make 5 and as I had a friend to dry, fire, glaze and fire them I only decorated them by using fabric and …
7 cloned barbies waltz around Jaffa
I bought these 7 barbies as they were wearing purple clothes for my sabbatical exhibition in September 2021. One day they were hiding behind my TV in my flat in Jaffa and my neighbours commented on them and I thought they would make a nice album of how they went around Jaffa to see and …
Dreamcatchers in the Peloponnese May/June 2024
I spent 7 days in my usual writing and yoga retreat in Limnisa, Methane, Greece and 3 days riding 50cc scooters around Aegina when I made 43 dreamcatchers on card. I have used buttons Margery gave me from when she was a diplomat’s wife in South East Asia and had to have clothes made to …
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Purple Mermaid Barbie goes to Limnisa
So it started with my neighbours. Now, it has become a full blown Barbie obsession. Here Mermaid Barbie goes to Limnisa (Limnisa for writers) where I go twice a year for a writing retreat. Purple Mermaid Barbie really does have a fun time!