Animals – so very grounding

At home I had 2 cats and 2 dogs to look after for the last year mostly by myself with help from others – so it is odd to give them all away – either temporarily or permanently – not sure yet. So of course I looked to chat and talk to animals in India. And there is no shortage of them. Here are my thoughts about them in my first week. So as not to show favouritism I shall list them in alphabetical order.


As I have come specifically to buy one I will have a dedicated camel input once I have done my Pushkar International Camel Fair Blog. As they sell horses I will include them also!


and being stroked……
Cats doing cat things – like nothing


In India they wander around everywhere. Many are willing to be stroked but not all of them. You often see them being walked along by women who I presume milk them as this is a very dairy culture.


These are the Siberian variety and a rodent. They zip around all over the show. They seem cute as have stripy backs and furry tails. I have only seen one rat. However my all time favourite poems is about mice by Rose Fyleman

I think mice are rather nice;
Their tails are long, their faces small;
They haven’t any chins at all.
Their ears are pink, their teeth are white,
They run about the house at night;
They nibble things they shouldn’t touch,
and, no one seems to like them much,
but, I think mice are rather nice.


This is Pipo – an German Shepherd/street dog puppy at the Mosaic’s Guesthouse. Loved my trainers. Total sweety. And lots of other dogs to stroke for the brave. If they sniff me, I stroke them. Not the very mangy ones. But the normal ones with nice coats.


They are returning from taking visitors up to Amber Fort. This one is highly decorated and the one below has a man on a scooter driving around them! Seems some local charities have been involved in the past in ensuring none of their drivers use metal sticks any more and provide veterinary care. But I wouldn’t ride one…..


This goat keeps trying to take food and goods from vendors outside Amber Fort.


Ubiquitous and very naughty. This one is eating a marigold holy necklace and one came into my room to see what he fancied taking. But I was having none of that and showed him the door PDQ.


Quite a lot of pigs wandering around eating rubbish. Here is a family in Pushkar. Opposite the cafe run by Manish – where you can actually get a decent cappuccino!

over and out from Carly and a few animals…..