I felt very mixed about Goa when I arrived. I was seeking warmth and it certainly has this. But it felt very different from the rest of India. More finished off and it was much more expensive. I have spent more than double here in one month than I did in Rajasthan. But having two …
Monthly Archives: January 2020
Coming to the end of January….
I am staying in Olaulim Backyards with the following…. Savio and Pirkko who own this wonderfully serene place. Then there are their teenage children who often help out (impressive for teenagers!), other guests and …… a donkey, a goat, a pony, three cats, four dogs. This morning I saw frogs jumping around and I am …
Still in Goa and loving it!
I have moved to the backwaters of Goa. I was staying on a spice plantation in modest accommodation. I loved the frogs in the natural pond the most. Usually I am repulsed by slimy creatures (slugs and snails mostly) but I loved the noises they make. They have a nature trail around the plantation that …
Off to the Goa Interior
I have now successfully sorted out how to use Goa Miles to get to my next port of call – Dudhsangar (www.dudhsagarplantation.com). This is the Goa version of Uber and much cheaper than other taxis. It can be a bit hit and miss getting it to pick you up and as I don’t have an …
Now on my journey solo as all kids are gone….
well Harry leaves later today to be absolutely truthful and correct! Once you are over half way it seems like the end is nigh. But I do have just over six weeks left and really shouldn’t complain! And my journey will continue in the hot south but I plan to leave Goa at the end …
Continue reading “Now on my journey solo as all kids are gone….”
Getting into Goa
Betsy has left and Harry has arrived. I have switched as they say here rather than moved to South Goa. I am being wholly looked after by the wonderful team of Norman and Carole in their fabulous old property Casa Susegad (https://casasusegad.com/). I feel so at home with the staff and the ability to carry …
Fruit and Flowers
I have decided to theme this blog to flowers and fruit. Funnily, fruit is five letters and flowers seven so at least that fits the prime obession! And “and” is three…..and some aren’t even purple but red. India is full of the most vibrant colours and this is for sure seen in the wonderful fruit …
0120. The month and the year. 0 is not a prime. The others are!
So I am up at the crack of dawn looking at the beach in an empty restaurant getting together my second blog of 2020. It is a very pleasant setting but for some reason the ants are out in full force. Climbing up my legs, arms, face and laptop screen. It is all rather irritating …
Continue reading “0120. The month and the year. 0 is not a prime. The others are!”
Half way round up.
I have moved south to Goa to catch some heat. And to meet Betsy and then Harry. Goa is very different from the rest of India I have been travelling in so far. Hardly a cow and only rickshaws in the large towns. It is India’s smallest state and is green, lush and Portuguese. Very …